Christ Church C of E Primary School

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Spirituality at Christ Church 

What is Spirituality? 

It is difficult to put into words what spirituality is because it is a personal experience.  It differs from person to person, and often spirituality changes within people during their lifetime. Spirituality is not the same as having a religion or a faith; a person can be spiritual without having a particular faith.  Spirituality is inclusive. 

As a school we know that spirituality is not something we can see; it is something we feel inside ourselves.  It is about awe and wonder, asking questions, inspiration and being aware of something ‘bigger’ outside of ourselves. 

Spiritual Development 

At Christ Church our deliberate opportunities for spiritual development are based around ‘Windows, Mirrors and Doors’.  The Windows, Mirrors, Doors strategy to support spiritual development was devised by Liz Mills as part of Farmington Millennium Research 1997. 

These opportunities happen regularly but are linked directly to our collective worship values. 

The Pattern

The Candle 

The candle is lit to begin the time of reflection. Children are encouraged to sit with their backs straight in a comfortable and alert position, gradually becoming still and more aware of breathing in and breathing out as they focus on the candle flame. 

The adult will ask children to reflect on what they have learnt about the theme.

The Window - Looking Out

The image of the window symbolises ‘looking out’ at the ‘Ows’ or ‘Wows’ of life. Children are asked to recall inspirational or significant people and events that have demonstrated the ‘theme in action’.  

E.g. For the theme, Courage, children are invited to think of a person that they know who has shown real courage in overcoming a difficulty or by addressing a challenge.  

The Mirror - Looking In

The symbol of the mirror invites children to reflect, to ‘look inside’ and to be honest about some challenging questions concerning their own attitudes and actions.  

E.g. For Courage they focus on a person who helps them to be courageous. 

The Door - Looking Ahead

The symbol of the door points ahead to the impact that the children’s journey of reflection might have on the way they live their lives. It is about the possibility of change and resolving to do something practical that will bring change about.  

E.g. For Courage, they reflect on things they will need courage and determination to face in the future. 


Although not exclusively, the children will get the opportunity to follow this pattern for each of our collective worship themes.

Generosity Compassion Courage Forgiveness Friendship Respect
Thankfulness Trust Perseverance Justice Service Truthfulness

 Please CLICK HERE to read our Spirituality Policy