Christ Church C of E Primary School

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Science is the study of the world around us. Scientists learn about their subject by observing,
describing, and experimenting. Our science curriculum enables our learners to become scientists!

John Chapter 1, V5 – ‘The light shines in the darkness and the darkness does not overcome it.‘

Our Intent for Science

 Science is the study of the world around us. Scientists learn about their subject by observing, describing, and experimenting. Our science curriculum enables our learners to become

How we Implement the Science Curriculum

 Science is taught as discrete units and lessons where needed to ensure coverage. As we are a one-form primary, Science units are taught on a year rolling programme. This ensures progression

between year groups and guarantees topics are enriched with stimulating and challenging experiences to help our learners secure and extend their scientific knowledge and vocabulary. We believe that these opportunities will ensure that our children are confident, life-long learners who will explore the world around them. At Christ Church our science curriculum aims to:

  • Help our children acquire a growing understanding of the nature, processes and
    methods of scientific ideas.
  • Build on our children’s natural curiosity and developing a scientific approach to
  • Encourage open-mindedness, self-assessment, perseverance and developing the
    skills of investigating– including: observing, measuring, predicting, hypothesising,
    experimenting, communicating, interpreting, explaining and evaluating.
  • Develop the use of scientific language, recording and techniques.

Our Science Curriculum

 Click here for our Science Curriculum Overview

 Skills Progression in Science

Click here for our Skills Progression in Science Document

Our Planned Impact

Throughout their time at Christ Church, our children will preserve and develop their natural sense of curiosity about the world around them. Our curriculum ensures that all learners will be equipped with:

  • A wider variety of skills linked to scientific knowledge and
    understanding, and scientific enquiry/investigative skills.
  • A richer vocabulary which will enable to articulate their
    understanding of taught concepts.
  • High aspirations, which will see them through to further study, work and a successful adult life.