Christ Church C of E Primary School

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Music at Christ Church


Through Music at Christ Church, we aim to foster a love and understanding of music through active involvement in listening, appraising, composing and performing; enable children’s personal expression, reflection and emotional development through music making, both individually and together.

Psalms 57:7. 7 My heart, O God, is steadfast, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make music.

Our Intent for Music

Our school aims to provide a broad and balanced music curriculum that encourages the children to
develop their creative and expressive abilities. We know music plays an important part in all our lives, the children spend a minimum of 50 minutes per week enjoying music and have a music singing assembly once a week. Children take part in performances including at the Southbank Centre. The emphasis is on practical experiences through singing, playing, composing and listening. All these activities give pupils the opportunity to work individually, in pairs, in groups and as a class.
In our music session our children will:

  • Enjoy a wide range of music and make music themselves
  • Increase use of their imagination and creativity
  • Express themselves and develop emotionally
  • Understand alternative forms of communication
  • Concentrate and become more self-disciplined
  • Develop their ability to listen with intent
  • Develop practical skills
  • To work collaboratively with other children to make music together
  • To gain the experience of expressing themselves both individually and corporately and to gain satisfaction from doing so
  • To be and understand what being an audience member is and does
  • Develop an awareness of musical traditions and developments in a variety of cultures and Societies.

How we Implement our Music Curriculum

Music will be taught using Kapow - a high quality and interactive resource.  
Music Curriculum EYFS and KS1

 Music Curriculum KS2


        Music in our Community

Throughout the school year, parents will be invited into the school to listen to the children perform in class assemblies. This will include end of term assemblies and performances. This helps to develop school links with parents as well as celebrate the musical talents of our children to the wider community. We also provide opportunities for budding musicians to sing and perform for the local community, visiting the local care home, celebrating major Christian festivals in Church and singing to the public at Christmas.