Christ Church C of E Primary School

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All pupils at Christ Church have the right to a rich and deep learning experience that includes learning the basics of an additional language.

At Christ Church we have chosen to teach French - this is to reflect our close proximity to France and the many french speaking families we have as a part of our school community.

The study of languages begins to prepare pupils for the rapidly changing world in which live and work.  A world in which activities are increasingly carried out in languages other than English.

Matthew 18, V20 – ‘For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there also.‘

Our Intent for Languages

Through Kapow Primary’s French scheme of work we aim to instil a love of language learning and an awareness of other cultures. We want pupils to develop the confidence to communicate in French for practical purposes, using both written and spoken French. Through our scheme of work, we aim to give pupils a foundation for language learning that encourages and enables them to apply their skills to learning further languages, developing a strong understanding of the English language, facilitating future study and opening opportunities to study and work in other countries in the future.

How we Implement Languages

How is our French Scheme of Work organised?

We have chosen to use Kapow to structure our teaching of French in Key Stage Two.  It identifies five key strands which run throughout the scheme, and an overarching strand, ‘Language detective skills’ which are the language learning techniques used in every lesson to develop the other strands.

Language Detective Skills

Speaking and Pronunciation


Reading and Writing


Intercultural Understanding

At Christ Church, we believe that this is crucial to developing engaged and independent language learners who are able to grow their skills in the other five strands and transfer these skills to learn further languages.

The scheme develops these skills in a progressive way so that by Year 6 pupils should be able to use these strategies to confidently grapple with unknown spoken and written language and search for meaning. The development of these skills, also helps pupils develop their understanding of the English language and its grammar conventions.

Click here to see our sequence of teaching for our French Curriculum

 Our Intended Impact

Using the full range of resources, including display materials, will increase the profile of languages across school. The learning environment will be consistent with key French vocabulary displayed, spoken and used by all learners. Whole-school and parental engagement will improve through the use of language-specific home learning tasks and opportunities suggested in lessons and overviews for wider learning. We want to ensure that French is loved by teachers and pupils across school, therefore encouraging them to embark on further language studies. Impact can also be measured through key questioning skills built into lessons, child-led assessment such as success criteria grids, jigsaw targets and KWL grids and summative assessments aimed at targeting next steps in learning.


Matthew 18, V20 – ‘For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there also.‘