Christ Church C of E Primary School

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Packed Lunches


Some children bring in packed lunch and this is eaten in the school hall.

Pupils are supervised while they eat their lunch, and although no-one is ever forced to eat food they do not want, they are encouraged to eat what their parents/carers have provided.

Children come in for their packed lunch at the same time as their classmates have their cooked lunch.

As an advanced healthy school, the school would recommend that each child having a packed lunch has balanced meal which may include some or all of the following items:- sandwiches with any filling (except peanut butter), a piece of fruit, yoghurt and salad. 

Water is available and therefore children do not need to bring a drink.  Sweets, nuts and sugared drinks are not allowed.  Children need a balanced meal in order to keep up their energy levels. during the afternoon.

The Change4life website is full of ideas for exciting and healthy packed lunch and meal options!  Please also remember - no nuts or nut products at school.