Christ Church C of E Primary School

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Collective Worship


As well as exploring our values, Faith, Hope and Love in Collective Worship, Christ Church has a set of collective worship themes which change every half term.

These are:

Generosity Compassion Courage Forgiveness Friendship Respect
Thankfulness Trust Perseverance Justice Service Truthfulness

We explore these themes through stories, from the bible and other sources, pictures and poems.  There is always a chance for discussion and reflection.


Why not try our Home School Values sheet to continue exploring the current Collective Worship Value?


We also have special worships celebrating events in the Church Calendar 

Harvest 2024

We are thankful for what we have!

World Mental Health Day

Our wellbeing ambassadors delivered a collective worship to launch our activities then delivered sessions for all of the classes.  They put affirmations around the school to celebrate the day because we believe Mental Health is a strength not a weakness.


CLICK HERE to read our Collective Worship Policy