Christ Church C of E Primary School

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Behaviour at Christ Church

At Christ Church, where we believe every child is a unique gift from God, our approach to behaviour management is deeply rooted in compassion, understanding, and guidance.

Respect for Individual Worth

We treat every child with dignity and respect, recognising their unique value. Instead of focusing on punishment, we help them understand the consequences of their actions and encourage them to make amends in constructive ways.

Restorative Practices

We use restorative approaches to help children reflect on their behaviour and understand its impact on others. This process fosters reconciliation and promotes forgiveness, aligning with our values of love and hope. We guide children to rebuild relationships after conflict, teaching them the importance of making things right. We use the spiritual reflection process to frame any restorative conversation.

Positive Reinforcement

We focus on affirming good behaviour and creating a positive school culture. By highlighting children’s strengths and acknowledging their efforts to act with kindness, cooperation, and resilience, we help them feel valued and motivated to continue making good choices.

Faith and Values-Led Conversations

When addressing behaviour, we talk to children about their choices in light of our Christian values of love, faith, and hope. We encourage them to reflect on how their behaviour aligns with these values and guide them toward making decisions that reflect our shared beliefs.

Holistic Support

We understand that negative behaviour often stems from unmet needs or challenges. That’s why we take a proactive approach by offering pastoral care, emotional support, and mentoring. By providing one-on-one attention, we help children navigate their difficulties while ensuring they feel heard and supported.

Collaborative Problem-Solving

We believe in working together to resolve conflicts and behavioural issues. By involving children in finding solutions, we promote cooperation, empathy, and accountability. This reinforces the sense of community in our school, where everyone plays a role in maintaining a positive, respectful environment.

Through this approach, we create a school environment where every child feels valued, supported, and encouraged to grow—spiritually, socially, and emotionally.

Red and Green choices 

At Christ Church we encourage green choices – these are choices that have a positive impact on their life, learning and our Christ Church Family e.g. sharing ideas, listening to one another, showing kindness. These choices are linked to our values.  For example being rewarded for living out our value of love by working together or our value of hope by doing our best or our value of faith by being resilient in the face of a challenge.

At Christ Church we discourage red choices –   these are choices that have a less positive impact on their life, learning and our Christ Church Family e.g. not following instructions, not completing tasks or being unkind.  These are also linked to our values.  For example we might remind a child that they are not living out our value of hope because they are not doing their best, or our value of faith because they are not achieving more or our value of love because they are not showing respect for others.

Class dojo

We use Classdojo to support behaviour where dojo points are awarded for making green choices at school.   

Children receive many individual rewards for achieving dojo points and this can include in class rewards such as:  stickers, a prize from the prize box, hot chocolate with the headteacher, extra play time and many others. These rewards differ class to class to be appropriate for the year group.

To encourage team work, if the whole class achieves a certain amount of dojo points they receive ‘Golden Time’ on Friday.

Our weekly Celebration of Learning Assembly is our opportunity to celebrate individual children for living out our values in a very impressive way.  They are celebrated by our whole Christ church family and receive a special wrist band to celebrate their achievement.  Their achievement is also celebrated in our weekly newsletter. 

Dojo points can be lost for red choices and, although we do focus celebrating successes and rewards, sanctions do exist.  It may be necessary for a child to complete a reflection about their behaviour and to support this we use our Spiritual Reflection process.  The child is asked to use a window to think about what they have done and how it has affected other in our Christ Church Family.  They are then asked to consider a mirror to reflect on how the behaviour has made them feel.  Finally, they think of a door to make a plan to move beyond this behaviour thinking of how they will behave in the future.  This is recorded on a reflection sheet so that it can be shared if needed. 

For serious behaviour incidents, there is communication with home and a formal record is made centrally.

Our approach to behaviour is also drawn from and informed by Florishing for All: Anti Bullying Guidance for Church of England Schools click here to view the document

Please click here to view our Behaviour Policy