Christ Church C of E Primary School

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Religious Education at Christ Church

Religious Education has a high profile in school life with lessons providing fully for the needs of all learners. We have adopted the SDBE RE Syllabus across the school, enhancing the units to fit the needs of our learners and nature of our school community. RE is taught by enthusiastic and motivated teachers who inspire the learners. Learners develop a clear understanding of Christianity and a broad range of religious beliefs. The learners use their skills of enquiry, analysis, interpretation, reflection and evaluation to understand the impact of religion on believers.  

John 10:10 ‘I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.‘ 

Our intent for Religious Education

As a Church of England Primary School we dedicate ourselves to providing a Christian environment that offers all children the highest quality of teaching and learning opportunities.

How we implement our Religious Education Curriculum                     

Learners have a thorough knowledge and sound understanding of the Christian faith through a wide range of learning opportunities, such as weekly Religious Education lessons, daily acts of collective worship, church services and educational visits to all different places of worship. We include a local area Faith Walks to support our learners’ understanding of the multi faith nature of our local community. Learners are able to make real links between the beliefs, practices
and value systems of the Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist and Hindu faith.

Our Religious Education Curriculum


Click here for our Whole-School RE Curriculum Map

Click here for our RE Knowledge and Skills Progression Document